

These are links to some of my training sessions and presentations .

KySTE 2020
Answers To Your Questions About The GOOGLE ADMIN CONSOLE Are Closer Than They May Appear

“I’m A Chromebook, I’m A PC” Reboot

In this entertaining and informative session we discuss the differences between PCs and Chromebooks and their uses in education. Great info with guarantied laughs

Training Agenda

Google Manager Admin Console Training

This is the slide deck to my 3 hour Google Admin Training. Users must attend this training before I make them “Google Managers” which allows them to manage Chromebook and Student user and device settings in the Google Admin Console

Leverage The Power of GCDS (formerly GADS) and SIgngle Sign-On (SSO)

This is the slide deck to KySTE 2017 session on using GCDS and setting up SSO.

Manage Users & Chromebooks by Creating Orgs and Delegating Admin Rights

This is the slide deck for my  KySTE 2017 session on to setup sub-OUs in the Google Admin Console. We discuss how to give staff the ability to manage settings in the Google Admin Console for only their school.

Moving, Managing, & MOnitoring Chromebooks WIth Google Sheet Add-ons

This is the slide deck to KySTE 2017 session on using add-ons like Chrome Gopher and chromebookinventory to save hours on making Chromebook OU location and custom fields changes.